Doctor Who Season 13: Episode Release Dates and What to Expect This Season

Doctor Who Season 13: Episode Release Dates and What to Expect This Season

Doctor Who Season 13 Updates: The main scene of Doctor Who season 13 is approaching, and current Doctor Jodie Whittaker has promised viewers that her final series would have a “big curve” to enjoy.

“It simply feels like when you can do a tale across hours instead of minutes, there’s a breath in it,” Whittaker, who recently revealed that she was temporarily backpedalling on her unusual leave plan, remarked. It provides you all the options, especially for the Doctor.”

Doctor Who Season 13

The title of the first episode, The Halloween Apocalypse, is now known, as is the title of the second episode, which the BBC has confirmed would be named War of the Sontarans, implying a return of the fantastic scoundrels.

Release date of Doctor Who Season 13

The official premiere date for season 13 (dubbed Doctor Who: Flux) has been revealed as Sunday, October 31st. Later sequences will also be broadcast on Sunday evenings, with the conclusion airing on BBC One on December 5th.

When it comes to the start time, you’ll need to be in front of your TV at 6:25 p.m. to understand what’s actually going on with The Halloween Apocalypse!

We now know that Series 13 will have six typical sequences and five unusual ones, allowing the programme to maintain its regular production cycle despite the confusing new health and safety regulations.

Nonetheless, in 2022, there will be three specials, one at New Year’s, another later in Spring, and the last one as part of the BBC’s Centenary celebrations in Autumn, which will also serve as Jodie Whittaker’s comeback scene.


The main look mystery, which was shown during Comic-Con@Home in July 2021, is just 43 seconds long but is jam-packed with action, intriguing mysteries (what IS the Doctor stowing away from Yaz? ), and glimpses of John Bishop sliding through various apertures. What more could you possibly want? Meanwhile, in October, a very short mystery was released, this time featuring Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor attempting to communicate with someone but failing. Later, through a hurried appeal from the Doctor, who also confirmed the presence of classic villains the Sontarans and the Weeping Angels, a 20-second secret revealed the series’ central threat — the nominal Flux.