Kengan Omega Chapter 152: History of Shen Wulong! When Is It Out?

Kengan Omega Chapter 152: History of Shen Wulong! When Is It Out?

Kengan Omega Chapter 152: In just one chapter, YabakoSandrovich completely altered the course of Kengan Omega. The tale has gained even more traction once news broke that Omega will be getting an anime version. Some new characters were introduced in the previous version.

Kengan Omega Chapter 152 Cast

It wasn’t long after the Anti-Worm Alliance was formed before numerous new members joined the chapter. ShenWulong and Xia Yen were the most significant of these newcomers. Kengan Omega Chapter 152 is here for your reading pleasure.

ShenWulong will meet with the Worm members in the following chapter. Shen has a goal in mind by making a public message to the world’s combatants. It’s possible he’s out for vengeance on the Kure Clan for their nefarious activities.

Kengan Omega Chapter 152: What’s Next?

Since Edward Wu’s death, the tale of Kengan Omega has veered from one plot strand to the next. When there wasn’t any clear direction, the storyline began to feel like a collection of several short stories. However, the introduction of the primary antagonist in the previous chapter ruined everything. As well as training some of the strongest fighters in the world, Worm also participates in criminal operations.

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However, the vandalism of the Statue of Liberty has served as a public statement from the group. Kengan Omega Chapter 152 will begin by introducing us to the two founders of Worm. While Xia Yen was in charge of the team, ShenWulong looked to have more of an intimidating presence. We’ll learn more about these men’s backgrounds in the upcoming chapter. In addition, fans may expect to witness how the Kure Clan assists the Anti-Worm Alliance in the future.

In Case You Missed It!

The 151st chapter of Kengan Omega began near the scene of the vandalism. The evidence from last night’s event was being gathered by police officials. Worm was determined to be the culprit for the Statue of Liberty’s destruction. Worm’s growing rage prompted leaders from around the world to postpone a conference. Kengan Association member Sukizo claims that they now have a common adversary.

Kengan Omega Chapter 152

To bring down Worm, Takao from Japan indicated he would join the coalition. A global scene was therefore set for the formation of the Anti-Worm Alliance. Xia Yan, on the other hand, was revealed to be the guy in charge of Worm. When ShenWulong arrived, the narrative ended with him as the creator of Worm.

Chapter 152 of Kengan Omega: The Date of Publication

The plot of Kengan Omega will be filled with nonstop action and dramatic twists and turns. As a result, Kengan Omega Chapter 152 will be published in its entirety this week, with no interruptions. On March 31, 2022, the chapter will be available for download. Only the official pages of Kodansha will have access to all of the chapters for fans. As a result, keep an eye on The Anime Daily for additional developments.

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