Love of Kill is an upcoming mystery-filled romantic animated Japanese anime inspired on Fe’s manga of the same name. The series will be directed by Hideaki ba, with the narrative written by Ayumu Hisao. Characters were designed by Yko Sat, while music was composed by Kei Yoshikawa.
Kadokawa officially revealed in December of last year that an anime adaptation of the manga is in the works. The animation was created by Platinum Vision. This page will provide you with all of the information you want about the anime Love of Kill.
What Should You Know About Love or Murder?
The anime centres around Chateau Dankworth, who meets a hitman named Son Ryang-ha while on one of her missions, who chases her and begins brokering her information in order to have a date. Chateau agrees to open up in front of him, despite his reluctance.
Despite her inability to fully trust Son Ryang-ha, the latter manages to save her every time she is in danger and appears to have knowledge of her history. Chateau and Ryang-ha are forced to present their histories when Donald Bachman attacks them. Chateau Dankworth was the kid of the Nobel family’s heir and belonged to a dynasty of French aristocracy.
Nelson Nobel, her father’s stepbrother, unhappily targets him. The original Son Ryang-ha escorted her to safety, but out of fear, the latter assaulted him with the pistol. After the genuine Ryang-ha saves him from trafficking, the current Son Ryang-ha adopts his name.
In Love of Kill, who can be everywhere at the same time?
Chateau Dankworth is spoken by Saori Nishi, Euripedes Ritzland is voiced by Kenyu Horiuchi, Son Ryang-ha is voiced by Hiro Shimono, Hou is voiced by Tomoaki Maeno, Indian is voiced by Khei Amasaki, Jinon is voiced by Ayumu Murase, Mifa is voiced by Yko Hikasa, Nikka is voiced by Mas
When is Love of Kill going to be released?
Love of Kill, the forthcoming anime, is planned to premiere on January 13, 2022. Yes, the programme is planned to launch next year, and the excited fans will not have to wait much longer because the date specified is fixed in stone. So make time in your calendar to experience it firsthand.
Love of Kill is available to watch online.
In Japan, the anime will be shown on networks such as Tokyo MX, AT-X, BS NTV, SUN, and KBS Kyoto. The anime has been licenced for a worldwide simulcast by Crunchyroll. Don’t miss Love of Kill now that you know where and when to see it!
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